Human connection is more important now than ever before
Email your location to THCA to be matched with a nursing facility in your area. Then, send a letter of connection to a resident and/or staff member!
Due to the unprecedented spread of COVID-19, nursing homes are following strict government recommendations to protect residents and nursing home staff by restricting all nonessential entry into their facilities. However, this means that many residents are no longer able to enjoy their much-anticipated visits with friends and family, which is crucial for their emotional and mental health.
The Texas Health Care Association has launched the Adopt A Nursing Home campaign as a way to give Texas communities a chance to step up and support our seniors in this time of need, as well as the staff who are working harder than ever to care for them. Connecting compassionate Texans like you with this community is critically important to keep spirits up as we settle in for a long period of necessary isolation at these facilities.
THCA is not able to manage, audit, or validate volunteer hours as part of this initiative
When sending your letter via USPS, please avoid licking any envelopes as a safe practice.